Make your
future worklife timewellspent.

Invest in great, time-saving work habits to ensure
you achieve what you set out to do every day

Time management is about creating the future you want – with conscious choices and strong working habits that stick

Marie has developed strong methods to solve the evident challenges of time management. With her model for being a Happy High Performer she challenges excisting ways of working, and shows how we can easily save time every day – and how we are all responsible for taking control of our own time.

With tools and strategies, Marie illustrates how to build focus, momentum, and results, all the while ensuring that all-important balance, because mental restitution is an essential part of a being a Happy High Performer.


Experience Marie’s presentations on how to make every day time well spent.

The future ways of working has changed fundamentally. With strong working habits, organizations are ready to face the new way of working.

Give your organization a habit booster with Marie’s contagious level of energy and insightful approach to time management.


Interruptions, unclear priorities, and a lack of structure steal focus and productivity. In Marie’s workshops, your organization will learn to focus on what really matters.

Ultimately, the workshop leads to improved employee satisfaction and performance, which fosters Happy High Performers.

1:1 Sessions

Create the breathing room needed to make good decisions and achieve exactly what you set out to do every day. With a seven-week sparring session, you will make sure, that every day is time well spent in your future work life.

These sparring sessions are for managers who want to achieve mastery over their time.

How to become a
Happy High

Marie’s mission is to make every day time well spent by boosting and sustaining Happy High Performers in your organization.

Therefore she has created an ecosystem – each step fueling the next, thereby aligning with the future way of working.

Instead of only focusing on how we manage our time, we must also focus on how we energize  ourselves for long-term performance. Rethink work life by incorporating mental pauses, minimize distractions, and gain energy, effectiveness, and a more fun working life.

To sustain Happy High Performers in your organization you have to make sure, that the work life design is one where the best choices are also the easiest ones to make. How? By creating Happy High Performance habits that stick.

What Marie’s clients are saying

Having learnt the “Happy High Performance” course with Marie has been transformational to how I approach my super busy working and family life.  

At the end of the day, closing my laptop knowing that everything is under control and will be managed well feels great. This has also allowed me to be 100% mentally “present” with my family (which is extremely valuable that many of us tend to underestimate!)

Oliver Zhe Xing, Senior Revenue Manager, Ørsted UK

Because of the workshop in strong work habits and the methods I acquired, my goal was to have an empty mailbox when I went home. That’s happened every day since. And it had never happened before.

In my experience, that really sets a hectic workday right. I have no doubt that I work more effectively with the new methods, and I am super optimistic over how easy it’s been to keep up.

Michael Lüth, Marketing Manager, Nordisk Film

Marie’s focus on structure builds ease. Her regular follow-ups establish the necessary commitment. Marie makes it possible to stick to the changes even when things are going a little too fast, because in the long run, it’s time incredibly well spent.

Anne Kjærhus Mortensen, Lawyer

The workshop in strong work habits is a must-have for anyone with an office job. In addition to the hands-on advice, we went through and implemented as we progressed, I also took away the neccessity of breaks, as well as insights regarding how to plan an optimal workday for myself.

Michael Egvad, Digital Manager, Aller

In addition to the effective tools I took home, it was quite an experience to see the enthusiasm and exciting knowledge that Marie spread among the attendees from start to finish. She has a unique method that makes the tools extremely accessible and simple, so they are easy to weave into a busy workday. I am so grateful, because time is our most valuable resource, and the one most often in short supply. It was inspiring, educational, and valuable.

Jens Broholt, Associate Manager, Novo Nordisk

We just attended Marie’s workshop, and it is an eye-opener to all large organizations battling heavy workloads and many e-mails—it enables a calmer approach to the tasks of the day that will benefit anyone. Marie’s knowledge and energy support the message, and I am amazed how easy it is to make it work.

Sille Ørnberg, Global Brand Lead, GN Hearing

The only “complaint” I have is that we didn’t meet 5 years ago

The energy and expertise Marie brings to the table has blown me away. Talking about time management and effectiveness may be a little boring for many, but my session with Marie ultimately touched on life satisfaction, dreams and self-image.

The biggest “ah-ha” moment for me has been the belief that I can change status quo with this method, and strengthen my focus on the many priorities I’m juggling.

Bjørn Barfoed Vestergaard, CEO of PodUp

The strength of Marie’s 1:1 course is that it’s based on what you specifically need to improve.

Marie continuously introduced concrete, relevant, hands-on techniques and tools—and that made all the difference for me to move from being run over by emails in my inbox and back-to-back meetings in my calendar to having control of both —giving me the time and energy to be a more present and proactive leader for my devision.

Inge Hansen, Skattestyrelsen (Danish Tax Authority)

I have saved far more time than I invested in my 1:1 sessions, but the best thing is the overview I have gained. It makes my working life more fun. I am happier, which means my colleagues also benefit from the investment. 😉

If you are a time optimist—if you want to be a better planner and work from a single overview, saving time and freeing up mental head space—then I highly recommend an investment in Marie and TimeWellSpent.

Allan Ohms, Lawyer, Partner, Forum Lawyers

Having Marie rewire our internal communication methods has produced immediate results. By introducing a common language for prioritization and narrowing our project tools down to a select few, we have seen an increase in productivity and a decrease in meeting times.

I’d recommend that any organization with an unpredictable workflow take a full-team session with Marie and an individual session for managers. The results are immeasurable.

Ryan Waring, Creative Director, Revolt

My team went into the process with a desire to find more time in our busy workday. We got it!

We now have a much better overview of our priorities and a better flow in our work, with fewer disruptions. That's meant a happier work day for all, where we also have time to celebrate our successes.

Lars Jepsen, Partner and Director

Marie was really good at getting to know our workplace and needs. To an impressive degree, I have gained more time, a better structure and overview, and a more effective working day.

Sarah Holmslykke, Partner, Kiwibirds ApS

We love our “power-hour”, which Marie helped us implement as part of creating a work environment with more focus & flow. Having time to tackle the thought-intensive tasks has been a huge boost to employee satisfaction—we get so much more done.

Alexander Betzer Larsen, Partner

Marie gave me the overview I had been missing. She managed to turn complex life goals into concrete tasks that I can take action on. It has given me a whole new perspective on time management, and I feel much more confident in my company's operations.

Sandra Wolf Pedersen, CEO, Posters

We interrupt each other much less now, and we’ve established an “I’ll check it myself first -culture”, instead of interrupting each other all the time. It’s really given us a sharpened focus and a more focused workday. 

Kirstine Rask, Marketing Manager

The workshop has been life changing for me.

Kim Sorensen, Novo Nordisk, Market Access & External Affairs

The workshop totally opened my eyes to see new ways to manage my time, and free up capacity to focus on tasks that bring value long-term.

Jenni Lindström, Nordic Marketing Director, Canon

If you're feeling overwhelmed by your inbox, your to do list and the amount of time you spend in meetings, I highly recommend investing time in a workshop with timewellspent. You will leave the workshop with specific tips that you will want to start implementing right away and will feel like you are a significant step closer in taking back control.

Chloé Schotte, Nordic Channel Marketing Manager at Canon

Without a doubt the best and most efficient 4 hour workshop I’ve ever participated in

Matthis Jensen, Product Manager, Danske Spil

Great work shop with concrete and very useful steps to improve time management and performance. This was indeed time well spent

Lauge Moll Årsnes, Head of Portfolio Management, Ørsted

Through a workshop with Marie with focus on personal performance, I learned to structure my working day in new ways. Eventhough I have always been a well-structured person it was a  great "ah-ha" experience for me, and I have gained a much better overview and more time to carry out my work.

In addition, Marie has a fantastic personality that is bursting with energy and she created a really good atmosphere during the workshop. Her great commitment and knowledge is truly inspiring.

Julie Dahl, Sikkerhedsstyrelsen

About Marie

Making everyday time well spent is Marie’s vision, life goal and purpose. With more than 15 years experience working with leaders in international organizations, Marie has gained an intimate understanding of what the greatest challenges managers and CEO’s face on a daily basis.

With her insights, energy and knowledge, Marie turns time management into something different, adapted to the future way of working.

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