I’ve reduced my meeting time with over 25%
We had to identify ways to free up time, gain better focus, and prioritize our tasks.
Initially Marie held a workshop with the attendance of my director and all managers under him. This encompassed hands on guidance and sound advice on improving our personal performance and optimizing the way we work.
Everything is based on theoretical data and science coupled with hands-on effective experience.
At our first management meeting, we took a step back to evaluate how we were spending our time. We quickly realized that much time was spent stuck in meetings. Far too much time. There were even overlapping meetings, so we needed to do a serious overhaul: who participates in which meetings and on which topics. By the end of this process, we all had more clarity, a concrete plan of action and fewer meetings to attend.
Elisabet Jørgensen, Head of Portfolio Management & Planning
How to become a
Happy High Performer
Marie’s mission is to make every day time well spent by boosting and sustaining Happy High Performers in your organization. The timewellspent method is rooted in the 3 essential pillars
1: Time Management – The structure:
Setting up a strong system and a perfect workflow to support our busy work lives
2: Self Management – The behavior:
Methods on how to make better choices and change our daily habits for the better
3: Brain Management – The progress:
Creating the optimal conditions for a high performing brain to make fast progress on the things we want to achieve
To sustain Happy High Performers in your organization you have to make sure, that the work life design is one where the best choices are also the easiest ones to make. How? By creating Happy High Performance habits that stick.
Create your organization’s Happy High Performers with a workshop
With a workshop your organization gets the tools to ensure a high personal performance:
Energize for long-term
Design a work life where the best
choices are also the easiest ones
Create positive performance
habits that stick
Contact Marie
Get in touch
- Make your time well spent